While we can’t control the weather or the grain prices, one thing we can control is when to sell our grain. Previously if you ran out of storage after your grain bins were full, you could plan to hold it at a grain terminal. Ever wonder why they call it “terminal?” it’s because that’s where your control over your grain stops. But without spending the money to build another grain bin and pay for property taxes and fan costs, what other options do you have? Grain bagging. You have grain bagging. Bagging your grain can allow you to bag it, understand that the grain will remain the same inside the bag due to its oxygen free environment, and then sell when prices are better. This gives you leverage without the cost of fans or property taxes associated with grain bins. And bags cost only around 0.7 cents a bushel, and while they are one-time use bags, they are recyclable by recycling companies and also by you, around your farm for say the garden or covering machinery. Bagging some of your grain can save you money too, since you can bag right in the field and not have to drive back and forth to a grain bin. This way, your combines stay running and less fuel is used which equals more money in your pocket.
Our grain bags can hold approximately 16, 500 bushels of grain in just one 10x333ft grain bag, and we have individual farmers and coops alike that use our baggers. We have bagged grain on our own farm for over 10 years as well. Another great thing about bagging grain is if you don’t need a bagger anymore, there is a great resell market out there, whereas its harder to sell a fixed grain bin. Want tips on grain bagging for the first time? Check out our blog here. We are going to be running some great contests during harvest season for customers who use our products, so stay tuned to our Facebook page and Snapchat to learn how you can win some great giveaways! Comments are closed.